
People reach places and continue on a journey of adventures and once you face a multitude of adventures, you feel stagnated and complacent.

At this time you are at a juncture of life when you feel that you have achieved a lot and you have reached that point, where you have got all that you aspired and worked hard for, you feel challenged, as the complacency sets in and you start relaxing and taking it easy.

At this juncture, you really need to delve deep into the purpose of each adventure that you had thought of and each goal that you have reached and then decide the further course of action. Life at this particular time is very challenging as you really do not know, that after all the zeal and enthusiasm with which you have thought of these goals, are you really poised to surge forward and muster up the required energy to work towards making those dreams a reality

This is the time when you are exhilarated, no doubt and the sense of victory clouds your thought processes and you feel, that now that the goals are set, so it will be a cakewalk to walk towards making those dreams a reality. But, here is the catch! When you think deeply and you weigh your options and see all the grueling hard work required to only start working towards those goals, you start getting the jitters and you suddenly feel that how am going to do all this!

Haha! That is the juncture at which I am in right now and I am feeling perplexed as to what on earth was going on in my mind when I thought of picking up such diverse goals and how on earth would I actually reach my targets and fulfill my dreams projects! Well well that is the fun, first, you think and then you decide and then you get the opportunity and then you think that now how do I work towards them!

Life has always been a roller coaster ride for me and I am not an impulsive person, who sets goals just as a whim or a fancy. I carefully think and plan and then set a goal, but I have a typical flaw in my nature that I take up multiple goals and when I get the opportunity to work towards those goals, I realize that they require a tremendous amount of hard work and this is the time when I feel the crunch and understand that how much effort I can put in achieving each goal.

Earlier I used to get lax and as I would lose interest in working towards all the goals together, as I would get exhausted, henceforth gradually, I would drop them one by one, and ultimately I would be left with nothing to do! But, this time I have decided that I would not repeat the same mistake, once again and I will work hard towards all the goals with complete sincerity and put in my best efforts and I am certain that after a period of time I will achieve the best of results on these individual goals.

This Juncture of my life is no doubt challenging and just like clockwork precision, I have faced similar scenarios time and again, but, this time around I am going to overcome this flaw of mine to be complacent and lazy after setting up goals. I am going to work hard and fulfill my dreams and I am sure that this time I will be successful in writing a new chapter in my life as a successful writer, teacher, and devoted social worker.